This is the command to remove mails from exim for a single domain.
exim -bpr | grep | awk '{print }' |xargs -n1 exim -Mrm
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Restricting FTP user from climbing back to /home
1) Edit vsftpd.conf 2) unhash chroot_local_user=YES
Error when browsing phpinfo.php warning : phpinfo() has been disabled for security reasons
You have added phpinfo in the disabled functions in your php.ini Ssh to your server and...
Uploaded files of FTP shows 600 instead of 644
vi /etc/vsftpd.con localumask=022 /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart
FTP not connecting giving errors in CentOS
1) Check if selinux is disabled # getenforce If it shows enforcing, then selinux is restricting...
Dig command is not working
Use this command to install dig command. # apt-get install dnsutils